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5 Essential Customer Communication Tips

5 Essential Customer Communication Tips


Communicating with customers effectively and with respect is very important to every business, below are 5 essential customer communication tips for you to be mindful of…

  1. Listen
    Use  both ears and closed lips. Half listening to something you may have heard before will cause you to miss important clues. Once the customer has had the opportunity to explain their situation, then ask questions to strengthen your understanding of the situation.  If you must interrupt, summarize your  understanding of the problem, before offering a solution
  2. Focus on the Problem not the person
    Some customers are “prickly” upset , agitated  and frustrated, they have been unable to solve the issue on their own and need help. Acknowledge that there is a problem and their frustration surrounding it.  Next, focus on what can be done to remedy the situation. Once the customer knows you are on their side, they will be able to let go of some of the negative feelings.
  3. Use Common Language, rather than technical jargon
    Most customers don’t understand your company’s technical terms and short forms. Using technical terms they don’t understand increases their frustration. Try explaining things using simplified comparisons, this can go a long way in helping someone understand.
  4. Use Positive Statements
    Customers want to know what you can do for them not what you can’t. The way you say things makes a difference in how you and your company are perceived. So for example, instead of saying “We don’t take personal cheques for payment” consider saying “We accept payment by debit, credit card or cash.”
  5. Keep the Customer Informed
    Customers need to be kept informed of developments that affect them.  Especially in regards to technical problems, outages, or changes in expected time lines. If they contact you for an update, let them now even if nothing has changed. Let them know when a problem has resolved.  Keeping them in the loop will help build and maintain trust in your company.

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